Betsy Dwight, EFT Practitioner

It’s time to live vibrantly

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping) + mindfulness coaching for highly sensitive women who are ready to unapologetically prioritize their joy.

Betsy tapping

Your most vibrant life is within reach.

And EFT tapping and mindfulness can help you get there. Whether you’re already familiar with these methods or haven’t heard of them, you’re in the right place. Both have helped my clients (and me) on our healing journeys.With these tools and guidance from a qualified practitioner, my clients have begun to live on their own terms. Now it’s your turn.

But who is this practitioner?

Hi, I’m Betsy Dwight, MA, an EFT tapping practitioner and mindfulness skills coach. My journey in helping others started when I got my master’s degree in counseling from the University of Denver. I worked as a therapist until ten years ago when my family moved to a new country (Canada). During the transition, I had to leave my steady career and enter the unknown, unsure of what would come next.Uncomfortable feelings started to pop up and to help manage them, I went to my first yoga class. In it, my heart calmed and peace surrounded me. It was the first time I felt fully in the moment. It’s safe to say I was hooked, and each time I turned to somatic practices like yoga, a rush of peace flowed through me.As I healed piece by piece, my intuition spoke to me and life became more vibrant. Mind-body and somatic practices became my lifeline–and my life’s work. To help bring these practices to others, I got a certification in applied mindfulness from the University of Toronto, 500-hour yoga therapeutics teacher training, and a certification as an EFT practitioner.Now, I help other women find that same sense of peace and joy. I’ve helped women like you step into their gifts and discover their inner strength.

EFT tapping, mindfulness, and you

As a sensitive woman, you can probably relate to some of the following:

  • Balancing work, kids, household chores, pets, and aging parents is difficult.

  • Stress is an unwelcome guest you can’t get rid of.

  • You feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or irritated on the daily.

  • Something is missing from your life, but you’re not sure what it is.

  • You have amazing gifts to offer the world, but your intuition has stopped talking, and to be honest, you don’t know what to cook for dinner, much less how to live vibrantly.

What you DO know is that you want to feel again. You want to reprioritize your passions, step into your power, and feel excited to get out of bed, full of purpose.Good news: you don’t need to have all the answers today, but you can choose joy and vibrant living today.EFT tapping and mindfulness can help you find your way back to the most vibrant, peaceful version of yourself. And that journey back is way overdue.

And you don’t have to do it alone

If you’re ready to experience a vibrant life, but you’re unsure how to get started with EFT and mindfulness, you don’t have to go on this journey alone.Sensitive Soul: Coaching + Healing is here to help you through every step of the way. Through customized coaching packages, we gently move through the emotional and mental blocks that have been holding you back.As these blocks disappear, you can say goodbye to the shame, guilt, and insecurities that have been keeping you small. The healing we do together frees up space for you to:

  • Joyfully be in the present

  • Reprioritize your passions

  • Live more freely

  • Unapologetically make time for yourself

  • Feel physically relaxed

If you’re thinking, “OK, Betsy, but this sounds too good to be true,” I understand. That’s how I felt when I first discovered these techniques. Fortunately, they aren’t too good to be true.To see for yourself, book a free 30-minute EFT tapping session. In these sessions, we’ll walk through the EFT tapping sequence, you’ll get an idea of how these modalities work, AND you’ll begin to heal.

Betsy smiling at the camera

Others' Experiences

"My 1-on-1 and group mindfulness sessions with Betsy have been two of the most insightful experiences of my adult life. I now use the concepts & tools she shared every single day in my daily routine and self-care rituals. I cannot recommend these programs enough to anyone looking to strengthen their relationship with themselves, and instill more peace and self-compassion into their life."
-Sam Jamison
"The EFT sessions I had with Betsy were so impactful and beautiful. She created a space for me and my energy that allowed me to truly look deep within and heal on a level I never imagined. I felt safe and held with each of her sessions. The progress I’ve made thanks to her intuition in those sessions has been astounding. I’ve been able to face things in my life I never thought I’d be capable of. So very blessed to have come into contact with her and experience the gifts she can offer."
-Karen Vick
"I decided to try tapping to possibly help with the feeling of constriction in my chest that testing showed was not heart-related. I worked with Betsy on mindfulness with good results, so adding tapping to my toolbox seemed worth a try. Tapping calmed my mind! I would definitely recommend trying tapping with Betsy. I now use it discreetly in stressful situations. Simply's so worth it!"
-Dorthy Johnson

Q: What is EFT tapping?
A: Emotional freedom technique (EFT tapping) is a somatic healing modality that can treat physical and emotional distress. With this technique, you tap on meridian points from ancient Chinese medicine while talking through the emotional and physical blocks you’re experiencing. The combination of physical tapping and talking through your issues heals blocks at the physical, subconscious, and emotional levels.
Q: Does EFT have side effects?
A: EFT has no known side effects. However, some clients report feeling more tired or emotional during or right after a session with a practitioner. In the long term, my clients report feeling calmer, being aware of their body and mind, and intuitive nudges on what to do next.
Q: How many times a day can you do EFT tapping?
A: As many times as needed! Quick tapping sessions (when you tap on an emotion that arises in one to ten minutes) are a great tool when encountering stress, fear, or another negative feeling. Through sessions with a trained practitioner, you can learn how to utilize EFT tapping whenever you need it and heal deeper wounds.
Q: Can EFT cure stress?
A: EFT tapping can help manage symptoms of stress – and even get to the root cause and heal it. A 2023 study found EFT doesn’t just provide gradual relief to stress – it provides immediate relief.
Q: Is EFT tapping scientifically proven?
A: There’s a growing body of research to support EFT tapping’s benefits. One 2019 study found EFT met the American Psychological Association’s somatic and cognitive treatment standards. Other studies have found it’s more effective at relieving stress and overwhelm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact me: [email protected]